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Rotator Cuff Tear

Orthocenter -  - Orthopedic Surgery


Orthopedic Surgery located in Red Bank, Morganville, Holmdel & Eatontown, NJ

Every time you lift or rotate your arm, it’s thanks to the work of your rotator cuff, which plays a big role in how you function. When you tear your rotator cuff, orthopedic specialists like those found at Orthocenter repair and restore this important connective tissue, allowing you to regain range of motion in your arm. If you’re suffering from a rotator cuff tear, call one of the three locations in Red Bank, Morganville, Eatontown and Holmdel, New Jersey, or use the online scheduling tool to set up a consultation.

Rotator Cuff Tear Q & A

What is the Rotator Cuff?

Your shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint that, by its very design, is somewhat unstable, which is what allows you the incredibly wide range of motion your arms enjoy. From scratching your back to swinging your arms, the shallow socket and looser connective tissue work together to provide you with a freedom of movement that few other joints offer.

At the heart of this is your rotator cuff, which is a group of four muscles that come together with tendons and connect the head of your humerus (upper arm) to your shoulder blade.

How Does the Rotator Cuff Tear?

There are two types of tears when it comes to the rotator cuff: A full thickness tear and a partial tear. These typically come about on the heels of:

  • An acute injury
  • Degenerative diseases
  • Repetitive stresses
  • Bone spurs


Most rotator cuff tears are a result of degenerative processes and develop over time, starting out with tiny tears in the connective tissue that leave you vulnerable to more significant tearing.

How is a Rotator Cuff Tear Treated?

When you first see your orthopedist at Orthocenter, they work diligently to assess the degree of the tearing in order to determine next steps. After reviewing your symptoms, your doctor orders diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays and MRIs, to get a closer look at what’s going on inside. But these tools are limited, and your doctor may prefer to go in arthroscopically to get a firsthand look at your rotator cuff.

Using only very small incisions and specialized tools equipped with a camera, your orthopedic surgeon relies on minimally invasive techniques to repair the tissue and reattach it to your humerus.

For irreparable rotator cuff tears, your surgeon performs a superior capsular reconstruction to help restore full use of your shoulder and arm.

After your surgery, your doctor recommends an accelerated rehabilitation program through physical therapy in order to help you heal as quickly as possible. The goal of this rehab program is to restore full function and strengthen the area to avoid re-injury, while also preventing you from pushing it too far, too fast, which can set back your recovery.

For more information about rotator cuff repair, call Orthocenter or use the online scheduling button to request an appointment at one of the three locations.